Specifications: 24 ft / 8m
Size & Weight: Welded steel pipe Thickness: t5mm – 4.5mm steel
pipe Diameter: 20.00mm 273.00mm
Floor Area: 426 sq.ft. (40 sq.meters)
Celling Center Height: 14.25 ft. (4.3 meters) Approx. Dome Weight: 1,125 llbs. (510 kg.)
Frame Package: 6’6 x 28 x. 20 (1.7 x .7 x .5 meters)
Cover Package: 40 x 40x 35 (1 x l x .9 meters).
Standing: ‘6 0 people
Row Seating: 45 people Buffet Dinner: 40 people Round & Stand up Tables: 35 people
No of Struts: 1s5 Frequency: 3 Max Wind w/ No Snow·: 100mph Max Sno,w w/ Wind Load: 201bs @l30m, ph Assembly.

Specifications: 30 ft / 10m
Size & Weight: Welded steel pipe Thickness: l.’5mm – 4.5mm,
steel pipe Diameter: 20.00mm · 273.00mm.
Floor Area: ‘695 sq.ft. (64.5 sq.meters)
cemng Center Height: 115 ft (4.5 m.eters)
Appro1x. Do,me Weight: 1,454 lbs. (i660 kg.)
Frame. Package: 66 x 2’9 x 36 (1.7 x .7 x .’9 meters) Cover 1Packag1e: 40x 40 x 40 (1 x 1 x 1 meters) .
Capacity: Standing: ‘6 0 people Row Seating: 45 people Buffet Dinner: 40 people Round & Stand up Tables: 35 people.
Engineering: No. of Struts: 250 Frequency: 4 Max Wind w/ No Snow: 100mph Max Snow w’/ w·ind Load: 20lbs @l30mph

Specifications: 44 ft / 12m
Size & Weight: Welded steel pipe Thickness: l.’5mm – 4.5mm,
steel pipe Diameter: 20.00mm · 273.00mm.
Floor Area: ‘695 sq.ft. (64.5 sq.meters)
cemng Center Height: 115 ft (4.5 m.eters)
Appro1x. Do,me Weight: 1,454 lbs. (i660 kg.)
Frame. Package: 66 x 2’9 x 36 (1.7 x .7 x .’9 meters) Cover 1Packag1e: 40x 40 x 40 (1 x 1 x 1 meters) .
Capacity: Standing: ‘6 0 people Row Seating: 45 people Buffet Dinner: 40 people Round & Stand up Tables: 35 people.
Engineering: No. of Struts: 250 Frequency: 4 Max Wind w/ No Snow: 100mph Max Snow w’/ w·ind Load: 20lbs @l30mph

Specifications: 50 ft / 15m
Size & Weight: Welded steel pipe Thickness: 1.5mm – 4.5mm steel pipe Diameter: 20.00mm – 273.00mm
Floor Area: 1,962.5 sq.ft. (182.3 sq.meters)
Ceiling Center Height: 24.5ft (7.5 meters)
Approx. Dome Weight: 6,130 lbs. (2,780.5 kg.)
Frame Package: Pallet 1: 69 x 43 x 36 (1.22 x 1.22 x 1.22 meters)
Pallet 2: 68 x 43x 28 (1.22 x 1.22 x 1.22 meters)
Cover Package: Pallet 1: 48 x 48 x 48 (1.75 x 1.0 x .9 meters)
Capacity: Standing: 300 people
Row Seating: 200 people
Buffet Dinner: 170 people
Round & Stand Up Tables: 150 people
Engineering: No. of Struts: 555 Frequency: 6 Max Wind w/ No Snow: 100mph Max Snow w/ Wind Load: 20lbs

Specifications: 70ft / 20m
Size & Weight: Welded steel pipe Thickness: 1.5mm – 4.5mm steel pipe Diameter: 20.00mm – 273.00mm
Floor Area: 3,926 sq.ft. (365 sq.meters)
Ceiling Center Height: 35.3ft (10.8 meters)
Approx. Dome Weight: 10,760 lbs. (4,880.6 kg.)
Frame Package: Crate 1: 84 x 48x 48 (2.4 x 1.2 x 2.3 meters)
Cover Package: 6 Crates: 114x 46 x 44 (2.9 x 1.1 x 1.1 meters)
Capacity: Standing: 560 people
Row Seating: 400 people
Buffet Dinner: 300 people
Round & Stand Up Tables: 250 people
Engineering: No. of Struts: 555 Frequency: 6 Max Wind w/ No Snow: 100mph
Max Snow w/ Wind Load: 20lbs@130mph